I can't believe my little girl is 5 years old and in kindergarten!!! I know everyone says it but, time really does fly! The awesome thing is that she will be going to school at Anna Hause, our neighborhood school and I get to transfer there in the next week or two!! Reedley was all set to attend Calvary Christian school but now she will be going to school with me. It is strange how things work out. I put in for a transfer, interviewed and found out that I got it on Tuesday morning. Well, I called the school to see if they happened to have before and after school care for 1/2 day kindergartners and they are the only school in the district that does! So, I immediately called enrollment and there was a kinder opening available as long as I got my paperwork in immediately!! As it happens, the school secretary had just given me Reedley's enrollment packet earlier in the week since she no longer needed it for Palm. (we had decided that Reedley wouldn't go to Palm with me because there was no before or after school kindergarten care) Anyway, I rushed over to enrollment the secretary was just leaving, she ran the paperwork back to the head of that department who just happened to still be there and then faxed her information over to the school!! So, Mark was already off work on the 1st to take Reedley to her first day at Calvary but now instead of Calvary, she is having her first day at Anna Hause!! And her classroom is right next door to mine!! I am in room 1 and she is in room 2!
Wow, sometimes things just work out...Oh yeah, and we got a FULL refund on the tuition that we already paid at Calvary!!! Her uniforms are returnable too!!! Yippee!!!
Anyway, Reedley had a great first day of school and she wants to take the teacher an apple tomorrow!