Welcome to the saga of our family!! Enjoy the ride!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Just a few of the bags!!

Well, we are off to Florida tomorrow morning. Both Mark and I are DREADING the plane ride with Raidon. We are hoping that we will be pleasantly surprised!! We just got back from a birthday party and the other child his age, was sleeping away in her stroller. I swear he is more active than any other child his age!!!! So, we are going to need to keep him constantly entertained and active...Just what others on the plane will love!!! That is the biggest deal, what others are thinking. I mean really, how many of us haven't gotten on a plane and thought, I hope that kid doesn't sit near me or cry the whole flight!!

Anyway, traveling with children is a whole new animal. These are only some of the bags that we need to CRAM into a mid-size rental car. My bag (which is the biggest) and Raidons car seat are not in this photo!!! YIKES!!

Well, pray that we don't irritate too many people and that it isn't as bad as we fear!!! I will be blogging the whole trip so, check every day or two!!! The first 4 days we will be at Disneyworld then off to Marks friends house for a trip to the beach, a 4th celebration, and a wild animal park.

Wish us luck!!!

The Fam

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ABC's Song

My daughter is soooooo cute!! Please allow me to brag about the way in which she sings the ABC song! When you listen, pay close attention to the letters around LMNO!! So adorable!!

As we sit here, she is recording herself reading books onto Marks computer. She does such a great job. Now, she doesn't actually "read" the words but she tells herself stories that come from the pictures on the pages. Some books we have read so often (Brown Bear) that she can recite it as she turns the pages. If someone didn't know, they would think she was a genius!!

Enjoy the video and if it doesn't make you smile, you are made of stone!!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Whiner of a Sister!!

Well, my sister actually checked out my blog.Which, I have to say shocked me!! I figured she would think it was dumb and tell me as much! Instead, she bitched because apparently I made the mistake of posting a picture that included my brother and sister-in-law. So, in response to her incessant whining....teeheehee!!, here is a photo of my beautiful sister whom I love very much!! Even when she keeps score...Lorrie 2, Jeff and Shelley 1. Happy now?

Love ya Sis,


Friday, June 12, 2009

Saying Goodbye

This has been the last week of school so life has been pretty hectic. The end of the year is always crazy with closing up your classroom and getting ready for the break but this one was especially crazy. It seems as though everyone at my school is switching rooms or grades and we are all waiting for the other to vacate their rooms. Also, this week has been especially sad. Because of budget cuts we have lost a lot of exceptional people from our staff. Our classified still don't know if they will return, 4 teachers were pinked, and others chose this time in their careers to retire. It was difficult to say Goodbye to people who have truly influenced childrens lives and yours as well. On that note, I honor all of those people by a quote I read in my nephews graduation program.

"Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your action; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
Frank Outlaw

They all have strong character and that character IS their destiny.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Escape!

Apparently, Raidon wanted to go outside and he didn't want to wait for Mom or Dad to take him. He discovered the Doggy Door and made a break for it!!

Portuguese Fiesta!

This weekend was the annual Portuguese Fiesta! Generally, we tend to dread attending but this year with my Dad going through what he has gone through, we went happily!! It is actually a great time, because you get to see family that you only see once a year. I had a few margaritas, a beer and tons of great food.Mark would argue with my last comment about the food. He doesn't see why I like Sopas (which is pronounced Sopash) because it is essentially broth with soggy bread. Whatever, I LOVE it!!!
Anyway, it was nice because Dad has been feeling great lately and he was able to really enjoy himself!!

The kids coloring Easter eggs!