Mark is constantly trying to perfect his BBQ rib recipe. It is an endless episode in our home. It seems like every week he finally has THE recipe!! This is our latest attempt at rib perfection. Raidon sure thought it was good!! Of course, he also has been known to eat dog food with the puppies!
I know that I have not blogged in a while but I have a bunch going on right now!!! I was sick for several days, I try to visit my Dad as often as possible and I have had dental work every week!! So, sorry it has been a while but here we are!! Also, I swear, I am the most technologically deficient human ever!!!!! No matter how many times Mark shows me where and how to save the pictures on my computer, I forget!! I will try harder in the future.
Halloween is coming up this weekend and I know that I will have lots of pictures to post!! So, stay tuned!!
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