Welcome to the saga of our family!! Enjoy the ride!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Reedley's first dental visit!!

Mark took Reedley to her first dental visit. She needs this for her Kindergarten registration so, we figured we had better get it over with. She was "very brave" as she informed me. We thought for sure it would be major drama (that is why Mark took her) but Mark said she did fairly well. There was a short moment of not wanting to get into the chair but once there, she did great. She even said that it "tickled" when they were polishing her teeth. Oh, and NO cavities....Thank God!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Snow Day!!

We actually had a Snow Day!! I never thought that we would ever be able to get a day off due to snow!! Well, we did!! Yippee!! Mark is off on Fridays, so it was perfect!! We played in the snow and the kids loved it!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Haircut of all haircuts!!

Well, ironically, I just told one of my friends that Reedley plays with scissors all of the time and she has never cut her hair. Well, that serves me right. 3 days later.....Reedley cut the crap out of her adorable stacked bob. I am devastated but she is thrilled with her new look. Enjoy the photo's because I can't look!!!
She did such a chop job that it was nearly impossible
to fix. Oh well, in 10 days (or months) it will look much better I'm sure.
The Damage!! Just one of the piles of hair we found in her room!!
Hair scattered all over the floor
The haircut in the end!! Horrible!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I am finally on Face Book!

Well, I finally did it...much to Marks chagrin!! I got a Face Book page or whatever it is called. He likes to be anonymous but I have found that it enables you to communicate with people much easier!! So, don't tell him, TeeHee, just kidding!! He knows, he just isn't thrilled!!

Now, if I can just figure out how to put my blog info on the page and learn to better navigate it then all should be fine. For instance, if I look at someones page, does it automatically send a request or does that person know that I looked at the page?Also, several people have sent requests to be friends and I don't know how they knew I was on it... I doubt they happened to look for me on the very day that I went on.

Anyway, shed some light!!


The kids coloring Easter eggs!