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Sunday, January 10, 2010

I am finally on Face Book!

Well, I finally did it...much to Marks chagrin!! I got a Face Book page or whatever it is called. He likes to be anonymous but I have found that it enables you to communicate with people much easier!! So, don't tell him, TeeHee, just kidding!! He knows, he just isn't thrilled!!

Now, if I can just figure out how to put my blog info on the page and learn to better navigate it then all should be fine. For instance, if I look at someones page, does it automatically send a request or does that person know that I looked at the page?Also, several people have sent requests to be friends and I don't know how they knew I was on it... I doubt they happened to look for me on the very day that I went on.

Anyway, shed some light!!



michelle on January 10, 2010 at 7:47 PM said...


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The kids coloring Easter eggs!