Welcome to the saga of our family!! Enjoy the ride!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Woop Woop!! Vegas Baby!!!

Mark and I actually got to Vegas after a hiatus of about 8 years and we did not take the kids, it was just the 2 of us!!!! Vegas was one of those places that I just refused to take the kids to. Not because it is considered Sin City but because I love gambling and drinking and I could do those things and enjoy it if the kids were there. So, we hired Amanda to watch the kids and the house and we spent 2 nights as adults!!!! We drank champagne (along with other things), gambled, ate and had some "adult" time!!! It was a great time!! We had never been without Raidon overnight so that was a little odd but we got over that really quick!!

What were we thinking?

We have never had family portraits professionally taken before because I thought the kids were too young. I wanted to wait until they were old enough to pose and be able to direct. Well, we didn't wait long enough.. Here is why...


Christmas was great this year!! Raidon really had a great time leaving cookies, spreading reindeer food, and opening gifts! When Reedley was his age, she was still a little oblivious about the whole Santa and present thing. I guess having an older sister helped with getting Raidon more involved.
We tried not to go too hog wild with gift but with them not having Grandparents, I sort of feel like we need to make up the difference. I know it isn't about that but, I really feel the loss of Grandparents during the holidays. When I think about other kids with all of their extended families, it just makes me sad.
Anyway, Christmas was great and here is to a wonderful and safe New Year full of joy and laughter!!

Here we go again.......

Ok so, I have done this before and if you know anything about me I will probably do it again. I am actually going to start blogging again!! I know, I know, whatever!! Just give me a chance. I think I may actually succeed in keeping it up now that I have a new netbook. I guess we will just have to wait and see........

The kids coloring Easter eggs!