Well, this week was full of firsts!! We took Reedley and her little friend Michael to their first circus. I started a blog. And, we finally got some good news about my Dad, whom I lovingly refer to as Joe or Joseph (Just because I think its funny to call him by his first name....I don't know why.)
Lets begin with the good news about Joe!! It appears as though the cancer has shrank. My Dad was sooooo funny at the doctors office. He was dancing and smoothing back his hair, what little he has left, he was so thrilled (as we all were!). My greatest regret though, is that I was the only one not there when the doctor told everyone. I came about 2 hours later!! Even though we have had great news this week, the week was not all happy. My Dad went to ER and was admitted for low B/P and dizziness on Thursday. He received 2 units of blood and returned home on Saturday. Then on Sunday, he went to Urgent Care because of urinary issues. I feel so badly for my Dad, it just never ends for him!! I just want to get through this so that he can enjoy life again!!
Now, on a happier note, we went to the circus on Thursday and we took Reedley's friend. This is a friend that we know through Daycare. It is sort of a running joke that these two are like an old married couple. They argue and nag each other endlessly. But other than that, they both seemed to have a great time. They especially loved the petting zoo outside of the tent. There was a zebra, that Reedley kept calling Marty (from the movie Madagascar) and when the zebra turned its back end to us, she pointed out its "butt crack". There was also a hippo, whom once again, she refered to as a Madagascar character, Moto-Moto. She was saying Moto-Moto's line, "I like em chunky", I thought it was hilarious. Of course, they were both one of those moments when as a mother you are not supposed to laugh, but you do behind your hand or as you turn your face!!
That was my week in review, please don't forget to vote yes for all of the props on Tuesday's California special election!!
Dream Big
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