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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy 37th Birthday Honey Bunny!!

As many of you know, men can be really hard to buy for!! Their toys are expensive and if it's Mark, I don't know very much about his "toy" of choice...yes, you guessed it GUNS!! Not only do I not have a clue about them, but I feel totally out of my element when looking at them much less buying one. So, for his birthday, I told him we were going shopping for a TV for the office. This is something we have been wanting to do for a while. The TV in there was pretty small and Mark spends a lot of time in there. Now, he is going to spend even more time in there....I may not see him for days at a time (HMMMMM.. one would think I had an ulterior motive to get it! Just kidding). His TV is beautiful!!! The picture is awesome, it makes you feel like your watching the show in real time through a camera!!
Anyway, I have an AMAZINGLY great hubby and I am happy that he got a gift that I know he will enjoy!! Loves Marko!!

Your Chelle


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The kids coloring Easter eggs!